Sunday, July 5, 2009

Swatch Request + Anime Expo + Haulage!

Okay, so this weekend was probably one of the best weekends of my summer so far (well, it wasn't really a weekend, more like Thursday - Saturday, but whatever). But first, lets get some things out of the way first.

I was asked by Miss Freeze of Do Not Refreeze to swatch my MAC Old Gold Pigment,so here it is. I don't think the photographs do it justice, just like most Duo Chromes; it's a sort of light tan-gold with a gold-green duo chrome. I don't think it shows the green very well in the photograph :c Also, ignore the other weird lip liner/marker stains on my hand xD;;


Anywho, on to the next thing. I went to Anime Expo! Yes, I realize I am a nerd. Yes, I realize that it's weird. But what I do realize is gosh darnit, it was fun and I am excited for next year! The convention was from Thursday July 2 - Sunday July 5. I bought a pass for all four days but I was way too exhausted to also go on Sunday so I merely went Thursday-Saturday. It was SOO much fun, and yes, I did cosplay (as a Caterpie/Metapod on Friday, more on that later). I'd go into more detail about the con but I think I will save that for another post.

ANYWHO. I bought very many things. Sadly, a large chunk of my money went to food (I DID NOT want to bring food with me, since I wasn't staying in a hotel it would be too much of a hassle to carry around) so I had to buy the majority of my food. I've learned my lesson; con food is expensive as hell and there was a shop just half a block away that sold MUCH cheaper stuff. Lesson learned. ANYWAYS, here is all the stuff I bought, because even though hauls are like bragging, I'm just way too excited NOT to share! Also if anyone is curious, I can try to provide links to some of the seller's websites (I have some of them); in no particular order:

The Catbus from Totoro!!! I love Totoro, it is one of my first "animes" (I watched it when I was a little girl, about four or five), and my dream is to ride in a Catbus. And it still is. But since I highly doubt that will ever happen this is the second best thing.
Next, this was my spazz moment of the con. If you are not familiar with Pandect by Dina Situ (it's an online webmanga, read it, it's free! But warning; there is A LOT of boy love. Not yaoi necessarily, more like Shounen Ai. It's PG-13 for the most part) then you must school yourself. Nao. She didn't come to last year's AX but she did this year, so me and my friend SPAZZED like no other, and immediately ran over there, most likely creeping her out. She was set up in Artist's Alley, so my friend and I bought a Noah and Edgar plushie, since it was buy two for $25 (it was cheaper than buying them individually). She kept the Noah and I kept the Edgar plush, and I also bought a Teddy pin. Edgar and Teddy are two of my favorite characters (I also love Noah, but I think Edgar is cuter in animal form) so I was super stoked to get them. Loooove Pandect, you must read it!
Any who, onto my next purchase. It was also from artist alley, and these two adorable girls were selling equally adorable things. I bought a pink bunny scarf from them (LOVELY!) and they also gave me a free sticker of my choice; I chose a pikachu because I love me some pokemon ;D

They also gave me this really adorable bag with a panda and their contact info:

Last thing from artists alley, I must say, I died from. It was a plethora of cute and I could not contain myself. I. HAD. TO. BUY. This seller (who, by the way, was dressed incredibly cute in a lolita style, not sure the subgenre, I think sweet lolita?) had the most cutest accessories so I bought a necklace and ring. Again, both priced fairly well at under $10. I have her card somewhere, so if you want a link to their website I can provide it.
Next, though it wasn't necessarily anime related, I thought they were sooo pretty. This seller (whose name I forget) sold these really pretty handmade accessories, such as earrings, ear ornaments (you wrap them around your ear, no piercings needed!) and my favorite, hair clips! I bought two feathered ones, and I wore the clip/extension one immediately after buying; another great thing they were both well priced (both were under $10, but the more elaborate "clip" one versus the dangle-y feathers was more expensive)
Back: Photobucket
Next, I bought a Visal Kei style "surgeon" style mask/mouth cover. I know it's a weird purchase, but I wanted one last year and kicked myself for not picking one up. It looks very cool on, and I love the zipper ;D

Last but not least I bought a hat from Fetish Falls. Its' an aviator hat (didn't come with googles, but I already owned some). I really like their stands, most of their stuff is well priced and I think the people are really friendly. I'm just going to show the picture of it from their website:
(goggles not included)
Anyways that's about it, I might post more about the convention itself later, I'm quite tired now.